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Fun Facts

  • Did you know that rock salt is not effective in temperatures below 25 degrees.

  • Did you know farmers use formaldehyde in footbaths for dairy cows. Formaldehyde must be stored at a minimum temperature of 60 degrees F. Below that it will crystalize and freeze. If formaldehyde begins to look cloudy, the storage temperature is too low. Do not store on a concrete floor, as it will be colder than room temperature.

  • Did you know that responsible distribution is a mandatory third-party verification program for health, safety and security. The program lets members demonstrate their commitment to continuous performance improvement in every phase of their chemical storage. NACD members play an important part in their communities as information resources relating to the safe handling, storage, transportation and disposal of chemical products.

  • Did you know that calcium chloride could be used to weight tractor tires. Using 5 pounds of calcium chloride flakes per gallon of water gives maximum weight and antifreeze protection to 50 degrees below zero.

  • Did you know that calcium chloride is not only good in temperatures that are down to -53 below zero, but that is proven to be the least harmful to concentrate surfaces as well as to vegetation.

  • Did you know that what you are shocking your pool with is not chlorine. Chlorine is a gas. Pool shock is granular or liquid. Granular shock is calcium hypochlorite.

  • Did you know that silver’s most common usage is in disinfectants.

  • Did you know that during the prohibition period in the United States, grape juice concentrate manufacturers took advantage of the big drinking lust Americans had and put a great warning sticker on their product. It read “after you mix the concentrate with water, please do not keep the mix in a barrel for 20 days – as it will turn into wine.

  • Did you know that the most manufacturing plants are smaller that you think. In fact, the average metropolitan manufacturing plant has only 57.4 employees.

  • Did you know that the optimum PH level in a pool is 7.4 since this is the same PH found in human eyes and mucus membranes.

  • Did you know that there is about ½ pound or 250 grams of salt in the average adult human body

  • Did you know that the only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J.

  • Did you know that lightning strikes produce O3 which is ozone, and it strengthens the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

  • Did you know that although oxygen gas is colorless, oxygen in liquid or solid is blue.

  • Did you know the human body contains enough carbon to provide lead (which is really graphite) for 9000 pencils.

  • Did you know that bee stings are acidic while wasp stings are alkaline.

  • Did you know that dry ice is the solid form of CO2

  • Did you know that hot peppers get their heat from a molecule called capsaicin. It is an irritant to mammals including man, but birds are immune to the burning sensation.

  • Did you know that one bucketful of water contains more atoms than there are in bucketful’s of water in the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Did you know that a fresh egg will sink in fresh water. A stale egg will float.

  • Did you know soda ash is a mineral mined from the ground and refined with no additional chemicals added to the product. safe enough to be added to food products consumed every day.

  • Did you know Hydrogen peroxide is made up of the basic elements of oxygen and hydrogen and it biodegrades into pure oxygen and water.

  • Did you know Sodium percarbonate (PC) is composed of soda ash and hydrogen peroxide. The biodegradability of PC is rapid and it is broken down into the following components: oxygen, water and soda ash. PC’s effectiveness coupled with its rapid decomposition into non-toxic substances make it the ideal way to clean with minimal effects on the surrounding environment.

  • Did you know that mature turkeys have more than 3,500 feathers.

  • Did you know there are 47 different breeds of sheep in the U.S.

  • Did you know Pork is the most widely eaten meat in the world.

  • Did you know The average person consumes 584 pounds of dairy products a year.

  • Did you know that like snowflakes, no two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots.

  • The average dairy cow produces seven gallons of milk a day, 2,100 pounds of milk a month, and 46,000 glasses of milk a year.

  • Agriculture employs more than 24 million American workers (17% of the total U.S. work force).

  • Today one American farmer feeds about 155 people worldwide. In 1960, that number was 25.8.

  • Raising beef cattle is the single largest segment of American agriculture.

  • The heaviest turkey ever raised weighed 86 pounds, about the size of an average third-grader.
  • There are 350 squirts in a gallon of milk.

  • Cows must give birth to a calf in order to produce milk.

  • The variety of Aluminum used to manufacture airplane wings is capable of withstanding loads of more than 90,000 pounds persquare inch. Aluminum can be spun into a filament so fine that 1 1/2 pounds of it could encircle the earth.

  • It has been estimated that if one cubic kilometer of a mineral rich Asteroid were brought to earth it would be worth about $5 trillion. Such an Asteroid would provide the world with about two hundred years' supply of nickel and enough steel to run industries in every country for the next fifteen years, given the current rate of use.

  • It is estimated that a Plastic container can resist decomposition for as long as 50,000 years.

  • More Steel in America is used to make bottle caps than to manufacture automobile bodies.

  • It takes 100,000 gallons of water to manufacture one automobile.

  • A cow must drink 4 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of milk.

  • It takes 30 - 40 gallons of water to fill a bathtub.

  • It takes 50 glasses of water to grow enough oranges to make one glass of orange juice.

  • It takes 10 -15 gallons of water to wash dishes by hand.

  • Ten inches of melted snow equals about one inch of water.

  • 122 gallons of water are needed to produce one loaf of bread.

  • It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef.

  • You can live about one month without food; but only a few days without water.

  • 75% of all rain and snow fall directly back into the ocean and other bodies of water without touching land.

  • A 5-minute shower uses 25 - 50 gallons of water.

  • Brushing your teeth for 2 minutes while running water takes 6 gallons.

  • 9 to 12 gallons of water are used in a dishwasher.

  • It takes 6 gallons of water to produce one serving of french fries.

  • It takes 10 gallons of water to make one serving of soda.

  • About 3/4 of a human body is water.

  • Growing a day's food for 1 adult takes about 1,700 gallons of water.

  • A typical household uses about 100 gallons of water per day per person.

  • You can drink more than 4,000 glasses of tap water for the same cost as a 6-pack of soda.

  • Families turn on water faucets about 70 times a day.

  • Washing a load of clothes uses about 50 gallons of water.

  • About 9 gallons of water are used to process one can of fruit.

  • Making a hamburger, fries, and soda uses 1500 gallons of water (raise potatoes, grain, and cattle).

  • Over 42,000 gallons of water are needed to grow and prepare the food for a typical Thanksgiving dinner for eight. This is enough water to fill a 30' by 50' swimming pool.

  • 2/3 of the water you use at home is in the bathroom.